Stuttering movie when saved back to Digital Camcorder

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I've recently been editing movies and then re-recording them back to my
Digital Camcorder tape in .avi format. I've noticed that I get the odd
stutter when I playback the tape. Can someone tell me why this is - I'm
guessing it's either the tape not allowing for PC processing delays in
recording, or some kind of limitation on my PC.
Please help if you can. Thanks, Rupert.
The cam can only record in real time, so if the pc cannot keep the data
flowing you will have problems.
To help, defrag the hdd before export.
Use a different hdd than the one the o/s uses.
turn off all unneccessary apps, include
internet/firewall/anti-virus/screensaver/power save modes etc.
Ensure dma is enabled on the hdd.
Power the cam using mains power and not battery.
If this fails, try using windv, which has more of a buffer than MM and can
often work where mm fails.
Scroll down this page for a link
Thanks Graham - I thought no one was going to answer my question!

I'll try what you say - it seems sensible advice.
Also, I'm thinking of buying a DVD writer so I guess this 'constant tape
speed' issue will go away - since the PC and DVD writer will be able to
buffer the data better. Do you agree ? I don't wanna buy a DVD writer to
find out I'm limited by something else. Thanks.
Archiving to minidv tape is a good way of keeping your memories safe. DVD's
are still new, tape has been around much longer, and various reports are
filtering through of delamination etc, so the 100 years lasting may not be
quite as accurate as planned. Still this is worst case scenario. Making a
dvd movie compresses the video, this means it will not be as good quality if
you wish to re-edit later, mpegs are also hard ro edit, because of the file
structure. Making dvd data files of the avi would keep the same high
quality, be easy to re-edit later, but would not play in a dvd layer.
You could make both.
The data stream problems would certainly not be an issue.
