Mark Gillespie
Talk about bad designs.
Run the sniping tool for the 1st time, as it asks you if you want to add
the tool to the quicklaunch bar, click no, it then takes a screen grab
BEFORE the dialog is closed, leaving a screen grab with the dialog box in
the middle.
1/ Whatever happened to consistancy in Vista? How many other tools ask
me if I want to add them to the Quicklaunch bar? Does Notpad or Paint do
this the 1st time I run it?
2/Bad design, a prompt that instead of helping totally destroys the tools
intended purpose/
3/ I logged this during beta, it never got fixes, how long does it take to
remove a prompt from the code??
Another indication that Vista was shipped due to deadlines, rather than
based on quality of product....
Run the sniping tool for the 1st time, as it asks you if you want to add
the tool to the quicklaunch bar, click no, it then takes a screen grab
BEFORE the dialog is closed, leaving a screen grab with the dialog box in
the middle.
1/ Whatever happened to consistancy in Vista? How many other tools ask
me if I want to add them to the Quicklaunch bar? Does Notpad or Paint do
this the 1st time I run it?
2/Bad design, a prompt that instead of helping totally destroys the tools
intended purpose/
3/ I logged this during beta, it never got fixes, how long does it take to
remove a prompt from the code??
Another indication that Vista was shipped due to deadlines, rather than
based on quality of product....