Stupid Questions about Microsoft naming conventions



1) Download FP 2002 Server Extensions:
English ones are at:
2) Download FP2002 Server Extensions Updates (and install in this order):
3) Install the Security Patch at:

Why do they name different exes the same? For instance, FPSE1002.exe and
fpse1002.exe. It is confusing to download and try to install in order and
obtain messages such as do you want to overwrite it.!

Kevin Spencer

Is your name SUSAN, Susan, or susan? Are they all different names?


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
What You Seek Is What You Get.

Kevin Spencer

Doh! I misread your message. You asked why they name them the same, but they

I think you're mxing up the term "Update" here. If you're referring to your
"English" reference and the same name "Update" reference, the reason they
have the same name is that they are the same file. The Update is the full
package. In other words, if you install FPSE1002.exe, you don't need to
reinstall it. It's all a matter of whether you're installing or updating. If
you're updating, you need to do the updates in order. If you're installing,
you don't need to do the updates.

My humble apologies,

Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
What You Seek Is What You Get.


The instructions said to do it in order so I assumed that the files which
are Extension Security Updates and also have the same version number but
differ only in names FPSE1002 and fpse1002 must be different. But they are
even the same size 669KB. These really the same files. yet you download it
from two different places?

There used to be a DOS routine where you could do a compare to see if files
were the same. But that was years ago since I did that.

Kevin Spencer

Hi Susan,

You download it from different places for convenience. In one scenario,
you've come to get the fresh install. In the other, you're updating.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
What You Seek Is What You Get.

Andrew Murray

Susan said:
1) Download FP 2002 Server Extensions:
English ones are at:
2) Download FP2002 Server Extensions Updates (and install in this order):
3) Install the Security Patch at:

Why do they name different exes the same? For instance, FPSE1002.exe and
fpse1002.exe. It is confusing to download and try to install in order and
obtain messages such as do you want to overwrite it.!

FPSE1002.exe and fpse1002.exe are the SAME FILE! Windows doesn't
differentiate case (upper/lower case).

so of course it will ask if you want to overwrite it!

Stefan B Rusynko

Typo in my response

English original FP 2002 SE are at: which will get you
fpse02_x86_ENG.exe (version 2920).

Then install patches FPSE1001.exe (version 3404) from 1/28/02
and FPSE1002.exe (version 4330) from 9/25/2002


| 1) Download FP 2002 Server Extensions:
| English ones are at:
| 2) Download FP2002 Server Extensions Updates (and install in this order):
| 3) Install the Security Patch at:
| Why do they name different exes the same? For instance, FPSE1002.exe and
| fpse1002.exe. It is confusing to download and try to install in order and
| obtain messages such as do you want to overwrite it.!

Stefan B Rusynko

Don't think so since the files are
- fpse02_x86_ENG.exe is 2158 KB (version 2900 really 2623)
- fpse1001.exe is 1491 KB (version 3404)
- fpse1002.exe is 670 KB (version 4330)

I always install the 3 in sequence to end up at the latest version: 4330

| Doh! I misread your message. You asked why they name them the same, but they
| don't!
| I think you're mxing up the term "Update" here. If you're referring to your
| "English" reference and the same name "Update" reference, the reason they
| have the same name is that they are the same file. The Update is the full
| package. In other words, if you install FPSE1002.exe, you don't need to
| reinstall it. It's all a matter of whether you're installing or updating. If
| you're updating, you need to do the updates in order. If you're installing,
| you don't need to do the updates.
| --
| My humble apologies,
| Kevin Spencer
| Microsoft MVP
| .Net Developer
| What You Seek Is What You Get.
| | > 1) Download FP 2002 Server Extensions:
| >
| > English ones are at:
| >
| > 2) Download FP2002 Server Extensions Updates (and install in this order):
| >
| >
| > 3) Install the Security Patch at:
| >
| > Why do they name different exes the same? For instance, FPSE1002.exe and
| > fpse1002.exe. It is confusing to download and try to install in order and
| > obtain messages such as do you want to overwrite it.!
| >
| >


Thanks, I got the IIS & FP extensions installed. I was scrutinizing
everything to see if I inadvertantly did something wrong. Therefore when I
found the two named the same, I wanted to be sure that I was running the
right one but found out now it did not matter 'cause they are the same.

I deeply appreciate all the help that you MS-MVPs have given. It was really
confusing when I got instructions from Microsoft on IIS about ftp and
copying and moving to files to C:\inetpub\wwwroot.


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