Peter Duniho said:
_We_ don't care so much whether you use an appropriate subject line, but
_you_ should care very much because posts with stupid subject lines often
just get ignored. There are also issues related to how your post makes
the best contribution to the community, in that it provides an
easily-searched item in an archive, but that's really secondary to your
own self-interest in having your question answered.
Using a search engine, such as "Google Groups", I guarantee that anyone
interested in threads and multicore processors will find my post, even
though the choice of subject line was unfitting.
I thought it was obvious that Ben's reply to my question as well as his
suggestion to use a meaningful subject line was very much appreciated.
I don't think of myself as overly sensitive. It's just that I was brought up
to use the word "please", regardless of context. Perhaps I'm getting old...
So, take the advice or leave it, but don't waste time getting offended by
the way it was given (and again, that's not a request; it's a suggestion
meant to help _you_).
Instead of using all those words ("and again, that's not a request; it's a
suggestion meant to help _you_"), I would simply have used the word
"please" to make the same point. That is: "So, please take the advice or
leave it, but please don't waste time getting offended by
the way it was given".
I'm sorry if I made you upset! Please let's focus on computer programming
from here on!
Regards Carl Johansson