Hi Peter,
Thank you for your reply.
Well, here's the issue that I'm having. I have Textboxes and Comboboxes
that change order throughout the life of the program. I need to change
the tab order so that the next, correct control gets the focus.
From my research it appears that the version that I'm using does not have
any control over tab stops. However, it seems that SP2 has fixed this
I would expect that I could do something like TexBox.TabStop = 5 which I
can't right now.
So I would expect that I would have to update my SDK. I'm sure that I am
just not understanding something correctly.
Right now I'm doing all my work on the Smartphone emulator. I can't seem
to get Activesync to talk to it so I don't even know how to get a service
pack onto the emulator to test.
Please enlighten me.