stupid question Average aggregate function

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michael Beatty
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Michael Beatty

how do I create a column in a query that displays the average of all of the
values in the row?

SELECT (value1 + value2 + .... + valueN)/N FROM ......

where value1 etc are the columns in the table with numeric
or currency datatype.

Hope This Helps
Gerald Stanley MCSD
Try replacing the divisor with

(IIf(value1 = 0, 0,1) + IIf(value2 = 0, 0,1)... +
IIf(valueN =0,0,1))

Hope This Helps
Gerald Stanley MCSD
To cope with nulls, try a divisor of
(IIf(Nz(value1,0) = 0, 0,1) + IIf(Nz(value2,0) = 0, 0,1)...
+ IIf(Nz(valueN,0) =0,0,1))

Hope This Helps
Gerald Stanley MCSD
To do this in a row, you need to do one of two things. The best is to normalize
your data, but you can use a function to do this.

Paste the function below into a module and then call it from your query.

Public Function fGetMeanAverage(ParamArray Values())
'John Spencer UMBC CHPDM
'Last Update: April 5, 2000
'Calculates the arithmetic average (mean) of a group of values passed to it.
'Sample call: myAvg = GetMeanAverage("1","TEST","2", "3",4,5,6,0) returns 3 (21/7)
'Ignores values that cannot be treated as numbers.

Dim i As Integer, intElementCount As Integer, dblSum As Double
intElementCount = 0
dblSum = 0

For i = LBound(Values) To UBound(Values)
If IsNumeric(Values(i)) Then 'Ignore Non-numeric values
dblSum = dblSum + Values(i)
intElementCount = intElementCount + 1
End If
Next i

If intElementCount > 0 Then
fGetMeanAverage = dblSum / intElementCount 'At least one number in the
group of values
fGetMeanAverage = Null 'No number in the group of values
End If

End Function

Another method would be to make a union all query and then use that as the
source of a totals query.

SELECT PrimaryKeyField, ValueFieldA
FROM YourTable
SELECT PrimaryKeyField, ValueFieldB
FROM YourTable
SELECT PrimaryKeyField, ValueFieldC
FROM YourTable


SELECT PrimaryKeyField, Avg(ValueFieldA)
FROM SavedUnionQuery
GROUP BY PrimaryKeyField