I.C. Koets
It has been a good 10 years running my 100MHz Pentium, but it has come to
the end of its useful life. I need to get myself a new computer. I am a
tinkerer, however, so I'd like to build it myself. My knowledge is from the
time that PCI slots were coming into fashion as the new hot thing, so I am a
bit behind the times. I don't know anything about hardware anymore.
Do you people have links or hints to places where I can get a rudimentary
grasp of contemporary hardware? Places that explain why I'd want an AGP Pro
slot versus normal AGP, what a Xeon does that is better than a same speed
standard CPU, why I'd never ever want AMD/Intel and would be very happy with
the other choice, and so forth.
I'd be much obliged.
the end of its useful life. I need to get myself a new computer. I am a
tinkerer, however, so I'd like to build it myself. My knowledge is from the
time that PCI slots were coming into fashion as the new hot thing, so I am a
bit behind the times. I don't know anything about hardware anymore.
Do you people have links or hints to places where I can get a rudimentary
grasp of contemporary hardware? Places that explain why I'd want an AGP Pro
slot versus normal AGP, what a Xeon does that is better than a same speed
standard CPU, why I'd never ever want AMD/Intel and would be very happy with
the other choice, and so forth.
I'd be much obliged.