Hi Ken,
See it this helps. The actual macro supplied is going to color-
code which column of columns J through O that the formula
in column P matches. .
P2: =MIN(J2,K2,L2,M2,N2,O2)
See the Calculate Event macro in
Worksheet Events and Workbook Events
directions to install an event macro differ from othe macros, to install
right-click on the sheettab, choose 'view code', and then paste in your macro.
If you need more help with changing the macro, you will have to be
more specific in your question. It always seems like a homework
question when the same question gets asked in two days with most of
the same details and some detail or part of the question is missing.
I suspect the limit is based on use of 2 bits to indicate the number
of Conditional Formats. 0, 1, 2, or 3. Logical not necessarily stupid.
David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
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