Stumpter! I Have NEVER Seen This Happen Before! Animated Image Issue



This image:
plays on my local machine, but cannot for the life of me get it to play
in internet explorer, but it plays on other computers and IE browsers of
my friends and family. I have tried completely cleaning out and clearing
ie history, cache, temp, everything. Checked IE settings, animations are
set to play, ad blocker is off, etc... Ohter animations will play, I
have verified by going to sites with animations, no go. Please help. Any



I think I've seen that animation in a user's sig on . Have
you been there? Don't remember the user's name, though.

Is the link you sent supposed to be animated? It doesn't move for me.


OK, I just saved the pic to my desktop and opened it with the Opera browser.
It moves!
I wonder if it's some kind of IE security setting?


I know! Isn't that just the weirdest thing? My daughter is on xp and ie
6, and it plays just fine on her machine... i have tried every security
work around that i can think of.... let me know if you come up with a
solution.... :)


Adam Albright

plays fine on Firefox.
Vista doesn't support animated gifs

You can play animated GIFs with third party applications running under
Vista, XnView for example, just that Explorer and Photo Gallery won't
animate them. Kind of odd that if your use IE7 to go to a folder on a
Vista system it WILL animate the file. Seems just like more sloppy hit
or miss programming on Microsoft's part if part of their included
applications do mixed things.

What are you seeing Dave, if you go to a web site that has animated
GIFS IE7 won't play them right?


if vista does not support animated gifs, then, pray tell, how do you
explain me being able to view all other animated gifs. and "if" vista is
the culprit, well, what do you suggest? how will using firefox help me
if i still have vista? doesn't mesh, sorry.

Adam Albright

if vista does not support animated gifs, then, pray tell, how do you
explain me being able to view all other animated gifs. and "if" vista is
the culprit, well, what do you suggest? how will using firefox help me
if i still have vista? doesn't mesh, sorry.

Since animated GIF's are sort of out of style and old technology I had
to hunt on my system to find a handful. My experience is below, your
mileage may vary. Running 32 bit version of Vista Business.

Applet Result

Windows Explorer shows 1st frame, won't animate
Photo Gallery shows 1st frame, won't animate
IE7 Browser will open and animate file on system


animations (ALL of them are playing ON vista IN IE7, except this one
particular one). But yet THIS ONE doesn't play in IE7 ( not specific to
vista ).

-pcbrat (please read the entire text of the original post)


animations (ALL of them are playing ON vista IN IE7, except this one
particular one). But yet THIS ONE doesn't play in IE7 ( not specific to
vista ).

XP Pro SP2:

1. IE7: No

2. Opera 9.21: Yes

3. Firefox Yes

5. IE7 for another web animation image: Yes
( not specific to vista ).

ALL of them are playing ON vista IN IE7, except this one particular one).

Likely to be the case.

So, you might check with the author of the image, and just in case you are
the author, it has not been done correctly. I don't know animation images
that well, sorry.

Hope this helps and good luck.


MS doesn't provide support for gif's in Windows Explorer or WPG.
IE7 should show it, but doesn't.
I can view other animated gifs stored on my pc with IE.

Marco Desloovere

pcbrat said:
This image:
plays on my local machine, but cannot for the life of me get it to play
in internet explorer, but it plays on other computers and IE browsers of
my friends and family. I have tried completely cleaning out and clearing
ie history, cache, temp, everything. Checked IE settings, animations are
set to play, ad blocker is off, etc... Ohter animations will play, I
have verified by going to sites with animations, no go. Please help. Any

I cannot get the above animation to work in neither IE6 (Windows 98) nor
IE7 (Vista). Other GIF animations work fine in Internet Explorer.
It works perfectly in Firefox on Windows 98 and Vista.
It also works in IrfanView (Windows 98 and Vista), except for the last
15 frames.

I've put that 6.gif animation in a web page. It works fine in Firefox,
but not in either of the two Internet Explorers that I have:

This web page also contains an animated GIF image, but it works in
Firefox *and* in Internet Explorer:

I think that the file 6.gif is a sloppy creation. Looking at all of its
240 frames (using IrfanView) frame by frame, some of the frames contain
an image that does not display correctly.
Could it be that this fact may prevent it from being executed in IE, but
that Firefox is more tolerant, and thus executes this particular
animated GIF file?



Who came up with the idea that gif mages are outdated.
Then I suppose photo gallery should play flash swf files. (I didnt think so)


Problem solved... I took the image into animation shop and manually
copied and pasted 10 frames into a new animation without changing
anything at all... (remmember i just did 10 frames to test) and guess
what? it works perfectly now. i just don't understand what the relation
is between the browser, OS, and environment (application) in which it
was created. there is no consistency according to my exerience and these
posts. you may see the test image at

for those of you who were experiencing the same issue, please reply back
and let us know if the image is now animated for you..


Charlie Tame

Well I don't think I had the problem anyway but FWIW it's definitely
animated now.

(Appears to be the cartoon version of Frank Vs the newsgroup)

Tim Judd

Charlie said:
Well I don't think I had the problem anyway but FWIW it's definitely
animated now.

(Appears to be the cartoon version of Frank Vs the newsgroup)



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