studio8 vs movie maker

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tom Jarboe
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Tom Jarboe

Hello to everyone.
I have a pinnacle linx cable that I use to record my home movies from my VCR
to my computer to make VCD's (don't have DVD recorder, yet). Anyway, I have
noticed that the quality of the film is a lot better when using pinnacle
studio 8 compared to the quality in Movie Maker 2. However, I would really
rather use Movie maker 2 because I like the transitions better. Does anyone
have any tips at all on how I may get the same quality film from movie maker
2 that I get from Pinnacle Studio 8?
Thomas Jarboe
Hi Thomas,
I've found the same issue. Try caputring the original
video with Pinnacle and then importing this into MM2.
Marginal quality improvement as compared to capturing in