Stuck At Welcome Screen



Hey, I have been searching the board for an answer for my problem. I haven't found it. So here's the problem; I have a brand new computer loaded with XP. It used to run BEAUTIFULLY until about a month ago where on boot up, it starts to stay at the welcome screen for about 2 minutes. It used to take only a few seconds!!! I've tried EVERY suggestion from the board. I have ALL KINDS of really powerful spyware and adware cleaners, they haven't solved the problem. Disk Defrag didn't do it. Neither did syst restore. I have no programs running on startup so it's not that. There are no viruses on my computer cause i've scanned it many times. I don't know. Maybe there is an unknown spyware/adware/virus that no one knows about????

I have read about other people having the EXACT same problem and NO ONE knows how to help. People keep posting the same info over and over as if they KNEW something but they aren't solving ANYTHING!!

DOES anyone know how to fix this???? ACUTALLY know how to fix it! Don't tell me to do a spyware scan



maybe u should give up and reinstall windows. A month is a long time to try to fix problem with brand new comp. just a suggestion.......


in your hard drive (c:) thers a file called boot.ini
hers mine it looks like thi
[boot loader
[operating systems
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetec

open it with notepad see line timeout=3
thats the time at start up edit it down to say 10 see what happens
as with all system files make a copy before u do anything for easy recover
this might help


Thanks for everyone's input. The Boot.ini file configuration didn't work. I really don't want to reinstall windows... does anyone have any other tips???

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