sttting report margins on print

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I would like to set the report page margins on print to .25
here is the code for the print button I am using it uses the current record

Dim StrWhere As String
StrWhere = "[LOG]= """ & Me!Log & """"
DoCmd.OpenReport "DELIVERY ORDER", acViewPreview, , StrWhere
DoCmd.PrintOut acPages, 1, 1
DoCmd.Close acReport, "DELIVERY ORDER"
Hi Terry,

You can use the Printer object in Access to set margins etc. see example
code below.

Dim Ptr As Printer

'To use a specific printer
Set Ptr = Application.Printers(strDeviceName)
'To use the default printer
Set Ptr = Application.Printer

'Now you can set all you need to for the printer object Ptr
'The 56.7 is to convert mm to Twips as the printer settings are measured
in Twips (1/1440 of an inch)
'In this example the settings are read from a recordset rsPrinterSettings
With Ptr
.PaperBin = 15
.DefaultSize = False
.PaperSize = lngPaperbin
.BottomMargin = rsPrinterSettings!Bottom * 56.7
.LeftMargin = rsPrinterSettings!Left * 56.7
.RightMargin = rsPrinterSettings!Right * 56.7
.TopMargin = rsPrinterSettings!Top * 56.7
.RowSpacing = rsPrinterSettings!RowSpacing * 56.7
.ItemsAcross = rsPrinterSettings!ItemsAcross
.Orientation = rsPrinterSettings!Orientation
.Copies = 1
If Left(Docname, 6) = "Labels" Then
.DefaultSize = False
.ItemSizeHeight = rsPrinterSettings!Height * 56.7
.ItemSizeWidth = rsPrinterSettings!Width * 56.7
End If
If Docname = "RptNewRegistration" Then
.Duplex = acPRDPHorizontal
.Duplex = acPRDPSimplex
End If
End With

Hope this will get you going.
