Let's see how this goes over...I don't think it can be done.
I am filtering a report with multiple filters (6). The switch and report
runs fine using a strWhere variable that combines the strWhere clauses that
the user selects, like
strWhere = strWhere & " AND Priority = '" & Me.CmboPri & "'"
My challenge is to add criteria from a joined table that contains comments,
with the print filter (combo row source) being '1 -Show only Standards with
Comments;2 -Show only Standards without Comments'
this is the SQL from what I want to show for the ones without comments:
SELECT tblStandards.STD_No
FROM tblStandards LEFT JOIN tblXComments ON tblStandards.STD_No =
WHERE (((tblXComments.Cmt_ID) Is Null));
so, I need a where clause to add to the list of strWhere that will allow me
to filter the comments. The report source query is complex and I can't add
in the joined comments table to it without screwing up the report data.
I am filtering a report with multiple filters (6). The switch and report
runs fine using a strWhere variable that combines the strWhere clauses that
the user selects, like
strWhere = strWhere & " AND Priority = '" & Me.CmboPri & "'"
My challenge is to add criteria from a joined table that contains comments,
with the print filter (combo row source) being '1 -Show only Standards with
Comments;2 -Show only Standards without Comments'
this is the SQL from what I want to show for the ones without comments:
SELECT tblStandards.STD_No
FROM tblStandards LEFT JOIN tblXComments ON tblStandards.STD_No =
WHERE (((tblXComments.Cmt_ID) Is Null));
so, I need a where clause to add to the list of strWhere that will allow me
to filter the comments. The report source query is complex and I can't add
in the joined comments table to it without screwing up the report data.