I am trying to use the vb.net upgrade wizard in vs5 to upgrade an old
But the IDE shows some errors that I don't now how to fix.
The wizard though an error:
Normal UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default property of
object tmpClient. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/
keyword="6A50421D-15FE-4896-8A1B-2EC21E9037B2"' C:\Clients\Net
\....\clsClientSort.vb 84
but I am not concerned with the default property, I just want to pass
the element of the Array. In VS I get the previous error at the first
line of the function. This is what use to work well in VB6.
Public Structure typCliSelect
Dim ID As String
Dim ClientName As String
End Structure
Dim Aray() as typCliSelect
Redim aray(10) as typClient
for I = 1 to 10
public function ProcessClient(MyClient as typCliSelect) as long
' Do some stuff ...
end function
How do I pass just one element of the array ?
But the IDE shows some errors that I don't now how to fix.
The wizard though an error:
Normal UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default property of
object tmpClient. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/
keyword="6A50421D-15FE-4896-8A1B-2EC21E9037B2"' C:\Clients\Net
\....\clsClientSort.vb 84
but I am not concerned with the default property, I just want to pass
the element of the Array. In VS I get the previous error at the first
line of the function. This is what use to work well in VB6.
Public Structure typCliSelect
Dim ID As String
Dim ClientName As String
End Structure
Dim Aray() as typCliSelect
Redim aray(10) as typClient
for I = 1 to 10
public function ProcessClient(MyClient as typCliSelect) as long
' Do some stuff ...
end function
How do I pass just one element of the array ?