If I have a structure and I pass it ByRef to a Subroutine via a Delegate,
any changes to the structure are not seen by the caller. This sure seems
unfortunate to me and I would welcome any explanation of why this is
reasonable behavior. In any event I think that the Delegate documentation
should point this out in bold face type. The following code illustrates the
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Delegate Sub delegTestSub(ByRef si As SiteRunOpts)
Structure SiteRunOpts
Public set_by_Load_code As String
Public set_by_TestSub_code As String
End Structure
Public Shared Sites(0) As SiteRunOpts
Public onesite As SiteRunOpts
#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "
#End Region
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
onesite = Sites(0)
onesite.set_by_Load_code = "SET"
Dim CallDaSub As delegTestSub = New delegTestSub(AddressOf testsub)
Me.Invoke(CallDaSub, New Object() {onesite})
''> onesite.set_by_TestSub is Nothing here !?!?!?!
End Sub
Private Sub testsub(ByRef site As SiteRunOpts)
site.set_by_TestSub_code = "SET"
End Sub
End Class
(You have to use the debugger to see what I am saying. Also, sorry if this
gets posted twice; I am having a problem with OE.)
any changes to the structure are not seen by the caller. This sure seems
unfortunate to me and I would welcome any explanation of why this is
reasonable behavior. In any event I think that the Delegate documentation
should point this out in bold face type. The following code illustrates the
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Delegate Sub delegTestSub(ByRef si As SiteRunOpts)
Structure SiteRunOpts
Public set_by_Load_code As String
Public set_by_TestSub_code As String
End Structure
Public Shared Sites(0) As SiteRunOpts
Public onesite As SiteRunOpts
#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "
#End Region
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
onesite = Sites(0)
onesite.set_by_Load_code = "SET"
Dim CallDaSub As delegTestSub = New delegTestSub(AddressOf testsub)
Me.Invoke(CallDaSub, New Object() {onesite})
''> onesite.set_by_TestSub is Nothing here !?!?!?!
End Sub
Private Sub testsub(ByRef site As SiteRunOpts)
site.set_by_TestSub_code = "SET"
End Sub
End Class
(You have to use the debugger to see what I am saying. Also, sorry if this
gets posted twice; I am having a problem with OE.)