I assume you need get your struct into a byte[] and back. If so, here are two options without using the BitConverter and iterating over all your members seperately:
MyStruct1 myStruct1;
myStruct1.myshort = 12;
myStruct1.mylong = 3035;
int size;
byte[] ba;
IntPtr ips;
IntPtr ips2;
//Could use unsafe keyword on the method, but do this way to show where it is needed.
size = sizeof(MyStruct1);
ba = new byte[size];
byte * pStruct = (byte*)&myStruct1.myshort; //Get a pointer to the first byte.
byte * pStruct2 = (byte*)&myStruct1; //Do they point to same place?
ips = (IntPtr)pStruct; //Cast to an IntPtr for the Marshal.Copy
ips2 = (IntPtr)pStruct2; //method and to see the address.
Console.WriteLine("Option1: Copy a Struct to byte[] using Marshal.Copy and back.");
Console.WriteLine("Pointer bp is:"+ ips);
Console.WriteLine("Pointer bp2 is:"+ ips2); //Same as ips? yes.
Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)ips, ba, 0, size); //Copy struct to byte[].
//Now copy byte array back to a new struct and see if same.
MyStruct1 myNewStruct;
myNewStruct.myshort = 0; //Set zero to prove we changed
myNewStruct.mylong = 0; //and to avoid "unassigned" compiler warning.
IntPtr ip;
ip = (IntPtr)(byte*)&myNewStruct.myshort;
Marshal.Copy(ba, 0, ip, size);
Console.WriteLine("Created a new struct and copied bytes to it.");
Console.WriteLine("myNewStruct.myshort:"+myNewStruct.myshort +
" myNewStruct.mylong:"+myNewStruct.mylong);
//Option#2 - Use Marshal.PtrToStructure and StructureToPtr.
ba = new byte[size];
MyStruct1 struct1;
struct1.myshort = 88;
struct1.mylong = 40877;
//Need fixed in this option because we need a pointer to the managed byte[].
fixed ( byte * fixed_buf = ba )
ip = (IntPtr)fixed_buf;
Marshal.StructureToPtr(struct1, ip, true);
MyStruct1 newStruct = (MyStruct1)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ip, typeof(MyStruct1));
Console.WriteLine("Option2: Copy a struct to byte[] using Marshal.StructureToPtr");
Console.WriteLine("newStruct.myshort:"+newStruct.myshort+" newStruct.mylong:"+newStruct.mylong);
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack=1)]
public struct MyStruct1
public short myshort;
public long mylong;