Struct or Class



I've always followed a particular standard when considering structs, I
mainly use a struct when a class isn't necessary (ie no requirement for
multiple references).

What is the recommendation when considering structs? What matters and does
it "really" make a big difference?



It makes a difference; as you probably know, you must fully initial a
struct by the time the constructor ends, so every field must have a
value. Also, I believe structs are allocated on the stack instead of
the heap. I think structs are 'faster' to use than a class, because
they are not as heavyweight as a class would be. All structs are
implicitly 'sealed' so you can't inherit from them.

Here's a good list:


A struct is a value type. Therefore, it should be used whenever the
object it represents acts like a value, that is, if two separate
objects with the value are the same as being the same object.

int a = 5;
int b = a;
a = 6;
// but b remains equal to 5;

Person d = new Person("John Smith");
Person e = d;
d.LastName = "Jones";

Now d = "John Jones". Now, in your case, should e = "John Jones"
(reference type, class), or "John Smith" (value type, struct) ?

Bruce Wood

James nailed it.

This topic comes up here once every few weeks. You can read lots of
back-and-forth about when to use struct. Just search the archives of
this group for "struct vs class" or something like that, and you'll
find lots of spirited discussion.

Bruce Wood

Alvin said:
A struct is a simplified class...(waiting for the fire and brimstone :-(

"Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!"

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