Strong names and embedded resources.

  • Thread starter Thread starter William Stacey [MVP]
  • Start date Start date

William Stacey [MVP]

Can you change a string resource in a assembly after it has been signed with
sn, or does the check include all bytes in the assembly including the
resources? Trying to figure out a simple way to include a unique string in
a assembly without having to recompile. Is that possible? TIA.
If you apply a strong name (fully signed, not delay signed), any
post-compilation changes will cause the framework to refuse to load the
assembly. You can, however, make changes between a delay-signed compilation
and the eventual application of the full strong name signature.

Thanks Nicole. :-)

William Stacey, MVP

Nicole Calinoiu said:
If you apply a strong name (fully signed, not delay signed), any
post-compilation changes will cause the framework to refuse to load the
assembly. You can, however, make changes between a delay-signed compilation
and the eventual application of the full strong name signature.

Whoops... Should have mentioned that you can simply re-sign even a fully
signed assembly after a modification in order to restore its proper strong
name. This might suit your needs even better since you wouldn't necessarily
need to manage separate delay-signed and fully signed assemblies.

William Stacey said:
Thanks Nicole. :-)