StringConcat(", ",A1:A1000)

  • Thread starter Thread starter dlotz
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I have this VBA in my excel, could incorporate an if functio in this as well.

The basic need is:
I have a directory, bout 8 col and 500 rows.
The last row is an an email address, I use the stringcocat to considate
all the the email address i need to copy and past for distribution email list.

Each person on the directory has an office name,
Is there a way I could get the function to considate all the email address
associated with the office name \.

in the range if col c; says Dallas, stringconcat all the email addresses in
col e
Please advise
There is no inbuilt functionality to do this. You will have to use a UDF
(User Defined
function). From workbook launch VBE using Alt+F11. From menu Insert a Module
and paste the below function.Close and get back to workbook and try the below


rngRange is the Range
strLookupValue is the lookup string or cell reference
inColumn is the column to be concatenated
strDelimiter Optional . Default is space

'1. To vlookup 'jacob' and concatenate all entries of 2nd column

'2. with lookup value in cell C1

'3. with delimiter as comma

In your case the formula would be


Function VLOOKUP_CONCAT(rngRange As Range, _
strLookupValue As String, intColumn As Integer, _
Optional strDelimiter As String = " ")
Dim lngRow As Long
For lngRow = 1 To rngRange.Rows.Count
If CStr(rngRange(lngRow, 1)) = strLookupValue Then _
rngRange(lngRow, intColumn)
VLOOKUP_CONCAT = Mid(VLOOKUP_CONCAT, len(strDelimiter)+1)
End Function

If this post helps click Yes
If you already have STRINGCONCAT installed, then use it with the following
formula to get all the "dallas" matches in column C to bring in the email
addresses in column E:

=STRINGCONT(",",IF($C$1:$C$1000="dallas", $E$1:$E$100, ""))

That is an array formula, confirm it by pressing CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER, not just
enter or it won't work.

Does that help?
Sorry it toook so long to get back,
Hope you guys get this, but I have tyhe STRING CONCAT VBA installed
and it works great witha =STRINCONCAT(a1:a100,"; ")
you know it considates the whole range with ; in one cell

I copy and pasted the vlookup_concat VBA and no matter how I plug in the
the actual formula it will only produce one email address from the array
What I find strang is the email address it produces is actually the second
in series
=VLOOKUP_CONCAT(C13:F500,"Dallas",4,"; ")
is only producing one of the email address in specified range

So if all my office "names" are in col C and the email are in Col F
Say there is Dallas, Austin and Seatlle, 100 rows down, and F has ind. email
FYI Col C is sorted A-Z


this is the other suggestion with eith String concat, same result only one
email address,
and I did crtl shft enter too btw
please advise