Shawn B.
I need to pass a StringBuilder as a parameter that expects LPWSTR
How do I do this in MC++?
How do I do this in MC++?
How do I do this in MC++?
Sorry, I got it wrong. I need to pass a StringBuilder to GetConsoleTitle,
and a String __gc* to GetConsoleTitle.
Thanks for this post, but I'm still left trying to figure out how to pass
the string into the GetConsoleTitle. It won't accept a wchar_t or a String.
Thanks for this post, but I'm still left trying to figure out how to pass
the string into the GetConsoleTitle. It won't accept a wchar_t or a
Upps... sorry I misread your first post...
I recommend:
#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Text;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
extern UInt32 GetConsoleTitle(StringBuilder *str, UInt32 nSize);
int _tmain()
StringBuilder *sb = new StringBuilder(1000);
GetConsoleTitle(sb, sb->get_Capacity());
return 0;
But you can also use:
#include <windows.h>
#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System;
int _tmain()
wchar_t szBuffer[1000];
GetConsoleTitleW(szBuffer, 1000);
String *str = new String(szBuffer);
return 0;