Yet another method: -
Function StringTester()
'Declare Variables
Dim LoopLen, MaxError, N, StringLen As Integer
Dim String1, String2, String3, String4 As String
'Declare String
String1 = "11-22-33-44"
'Set Loop Length And String Length
StringLen = Len(String1): LoopLen = Len(String1)
String4 = ""
N = 0
'Declare String Value To Be Replaced
String2 = "-"
'Loop Through String
For N = 1 To LoopLen
'Determine Current Character To Be Checked
String3 = Mid(String1, N, 1)
'Compare Current Character With Declared String
MaxError = StrComp(String2, String3, vbTextCompare)
'If Current Character Matches Declared String Then Replace
& Append To New String
If MaxError = 0 Then
If String4 = "" Then String4 = " " Else String4 =
(String4 & " ")
End If
'If Current Character does not Match Declared String Then
Append To New String
If MaxError <> 0 Then
If String4 = "" Then String4 = String3 Else String4 =
(String4 & String3)
End If
Next N
'Display New String
MsgBox (String4)
End Function