XP Novice
This IE 6.x Title only shows 1 letter. Right now it is a B. It was working
OK before I clicked RESTORE DEFAULTS.
1. I clicked on IE | Tools | Options | Advanced | Restore Defaults
The title is gone
Completed the following steps. Restarted. Not working. No Title. Checked
regedit. The words under Main are there: Window Title
Have any tips? Windows XP Home with all updates | MS Live One Care | Spybot
Search & Destroy | Behind a DSL modem and Netgear Wireless Router
Using Registry Editor, add a String value named Window Title to the
following key in the registry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
The data value is the title you want to appear on the Internet Explorer
NOTE: In Windows NT, the value should be of type REG_SZ instead of String.
To Remove a Custom Internet Explorer Window Title
Using Registry Editor, delete the following value in the registry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Window Title
When you delete this value, "Microsoft Internet Explorer" becomes the
default window title.
OK before I clicked RESTORE DEFAULTS.
1. I clicked on IE | Tools | Options | Advanced | Restore Defaults
The title is gone
Completed the following steps. Restarted. Not working. No Title. Checked
regedit. The words under Main are there: Window Title
Have any tips? Windows XP Home with all updates | MS Live One Care | Spybot
Search & Destroy | Behind a DSL modem and Netgear Wireless Router
Using Registry Editor, add a String value named Window Title to the
following key in the registry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
The data value is the title you want to appear on the Internet Explorer
NOTE: In Windows NT, the value should be of type REG_SZ instead of String.
To Remove a Custom Internet Explorer Window Title
Using Registry Editor, delete the following value in the registry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Window Title
When you delete this value, "Microsoft Internet Explorer" becomes the
default window title.