Try creating a query that retrieves the relevant information
from the table. Add two calculated fields to the query
StartTime: CDate([Time])
Elapsed: CDate(Duration)
so you can check to see if you get the desired results.
Next, add more calculated fields and add your other "time"
to those values. For example:
StopTime: StartTime + Elaspsed
If that works correctly, then you can add two Date/Time
fields to your table (using different names). Then you can
use an update query to save the converted values:
UPDATE table
SET newstarttimefield = CDate([Time]),
newdurationfield = CDate(Duration)
Note that using a date/time field to hold a duration value
is not really a good idea. As I implied earlier, a duration
is really 76 seconds, not 1 minute and 16 seconds after
Also, if you do not have a date part to your start amd end
time values, you will run into serious difficulties
calculating the duration across a midnight boundary.
If you have the start and stop time values, you can
calculate the Elapsed time in seconds using:
DateDiff("s", StartTime, StopTime)
Vice versa, you can calculate the StopTime by adding the
Elapsed time in seconds to the StartIme:
DateAdd("s", Elapsed, StartTime)
This is not a trivial subject and I recommend that you spend
a few minutes getting your head wrapped around the issues.
Marshall, Hi. Here is what I have, I have 2 fields, "Time" which is a text
field. It has text that looks like 10:40, then I have a field named
Duration, it is a text field and has data in it like 0:01:16. What I want to
do is convert these text fields to a time field and keep the data in it so I
can add time to both fields.
Sorry, but "general field" is meaningless. There is a
format called General Number, but it does not apply to text
Regardless of that, I really need to know what kind of
number result you want out of this. Do you want the total
number of seconds or what?
If you want it to be a Date/Time data type, then you can
convert it from a text string by using the CDate function.
The Date/Time value can be treated as if it were a number of
type Double, but it would only be the fraction of a day,
which is probably not what you want.
All I know at this point is that you have a text string
"09:00" and you want it to be some kind of number. I can't
tell you how to do something if I don't know what that
simething is.
williamr wrote:
After further review - it's a general field and it look like 09:00
williamr wrote:
I have some information in Excel that expresses the length of a phone call.
It's a text field and when I import it the option for type of field is grayed
out. I would like to run an update query and put that information into
another field and make it a number.
What does the text value look like?
What kind of number do you want?