Here is a sniplet from a text file
name mapp
description "Mappy (US)
year 198
manufacturer "Namco
history "\nMappy (c) 03/1983 Namco. \n\n- TRIVIA: \n\nLicensed to Bally Midway for US manufacture and distribution. (03/1983) \n\n- SERIES: \n\n1. Mappy \n2. Hopping Mappy \n\n0.26 [Aaron Giles, Mirko Buffoni] \n\nBugs: \n- \"000\" is displayed on the highscore. If you get more than 30000 pts, it is displayed normally. This happens whether there are \"hiscore.dat\", hi file and cfg file or not. mappy37b4gre Fujix \n- In Mappy (both versions, mappy and mappyjp), if you insert at
rom ( name mp1-5.5b size 32 crc 56531268 sha1 2e356706c07f43eeb67783fb122bdc7fed1b3589 region proms offs 0
rom ( name mp1-6.4c size 256 crc 50765082 sha1
chip ( type cpu name M6809 clock 1536000
chip ( type cpu name M6809 clock 1536000
chip ( type audio name Namco_15XX
video ( screen raster orientation vertical x 224 y 288 aspectx 3 aspecty 4 freq 60.606060
sound ( channels 1
input ( players 2 control joy8way buttons 1 coins 2
dipswitch ( name "Cabinet" entry "Upright" default "Upright" entry "Cocktail"
I will have a variable containing the text string that matches the second line, "name mappy"
I would then like to find the line that begins with "video" and retrun one of the parameters that follow. It will be the one after the word "orientation" and it will be either "vertical" or "horizontal". I the want to set a variable to either "v" or "h" so I can apply my code. It's a pretty large text file, about 30MB. What is the best way to do this? The other day I was able to get a number to return that was the character number of the first string, but I got stuck after that
Thank you
name mapp
description "Mappy (US)
year 198
manufacturer "Namco
history "\nMappy (c) 03/1983 Namco. \n\n- TRIVIA: \n\nLicensed to Bally Midway for US manufacture and distribution. (03/1983) \n\n- SERIES: \n\n1. Mappy \n2. Hopping Mappy \n\n0.26 [Aaron Giles, Mirko Buffoni] \n\nBugs: \n- \"000\" is displayed on the highscore. If you get more than 30000 pts, it is displayed normally. This happens whether there are \"hiscore.dat\", hi file and cfg file or not. mappy37b4gre Fujix \n- In Mappy (both versions, mappy and mappyjp), if you insert at
rom ( name mp1-5.5b size 32 crc 56531268 sha1 2e356706c07f43eeb67783fb122bdc7fed1b3589 region proms offs 0
rom ( name mp1-6.4c size 256 crc 50765082 sha1
chip ( type cpu name M6809 clock 1536000
chip ( type cpu name M6809 clock 1536000
chip ( type audio name Namco_15XX
video ( screen raster orientation vertical x 224 y 288 aspectx 3 aspecty 4 freq 60.606060
sound ( channels 1
input ( players 2 control joy8way buttons 1 coins 2
dipswitch ( name "Cabinet" entry "Upright" default "Upright" entry "Cocktail"
I will have a variable containing the text string that matches the second line, "name mappy"
I would then like to find the line that begins with "video" and retrun one of the parameters that follow. It will be the one after the word "orientation" and it will be either "vertical" or "horizontal". I the want to set a variable to either "v" or "h" so I can apply my code. It's a pretty large text file, about 30MB. What is the best way to do this? The other day I was able to get a number to return that was the character number of the first string, but I got stuck after that
Thank you