and in addition to what the others said, you can also limit the input:
make sure the textbox (if that is where the text comes from)
accepts no more than 250 chars. (MaxLength property)
Being a paranoid developer, I don't know that I would leave it at just that,
though. Setting the maxlength would cover the expected scenario (where a
user is typing into an edit box), but it would leave you open to accepting
strings longer than 250 if someone just constructs a query string and posts
it to a URL.
Now, in the world of unmanaged code, if your server-side code just trusts
the string to be shorter than 250, and someone sneaks a larger one in by
building and posting their own query string, your code may be open to a
buffer overrun attack.
In the managed world, as long as you are using safe code, I don't _think_
that you can get a real buffer overrun. However, it still seems kind of
dangerous to take for granted that a string passed from an external source
will always conform to your size rule. I'd be suspicious and check it.