string.Compare woes ??

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ramiro Calderon Romero
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Ramiro Calderon Romero

Hi list,

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong here.

Check out this code snippet:

class App
static void Main()
string a = "the fellowship of the ring";
string b = "The two towers";

int n = string.Compare(a,b,true);
int m = string.Compare(a,b,false);
Console.WriteLine("n={0}, m={1}",n,m);


I would expect n = -1 (I'm ignoring case here) and m = 1 (because 'T' <
't'). However I'm getting n = m = -1;

Am I wrong or it's just a weird non-intuitive behavior in the
String::Compare method?



What you are looking for is string.CompareOrdinal().

By default the Compare() method performs a culture specific comparison, so
the ordering of upper and lower case will be culture specific, to perform
culture insensitive string compares you can pass Culture.InvariantCulture to
the Compare() method.

Hope this helps