Chris Wertman
Im a little stuck on an efficent way to do this.
Say I have an array of strings , or a simple list whatever. Like this
Del Rey
Dell Ray
Del Rey
Del Rey
Del Ray
Now what I would want to do is return Del Rey as it is the most used
string in the array. For many of the things I will be looking for , well
actually all of them they are free form text returned from a page
Ive though about puttting them in a temp table , doing a distinct then
counting occurances , but well that seems a little ugly even though it
seem like it woul work. Are there any BETTER ways of doin this ? I will
always have an unknown quantity in the list.
Say I have an array of strings , or a simple list whatever. Like this
Del Rey
Dell Ray
Del Rey
Del Rey
Del Ray
Now what I would want to do is return Del Rey as it is the most used
string in the array. For many of the things I will be looking for , well
actually all of them they are free form text returned from a page
Ive though about puttting them in a temp table , doing a distinct then
counting occurances , but well that seems a little ugly even though it
seem like it woul work. Are there any BETTER ways of doin this ? I will
always have an unknown quantity in the list.