Stretch pictures

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I have done a .AVI video using the program Morph Man. It is a series of
morphs from picture to picture (faces).
The pictures are about 4 centimeters in width, therefore there are two black
bands on the left and right.
When I import this avi into WMM the pictures stretch to fill the two black
bands, and the pictures look deformed.
I have tried to configure WMM to avoid doing it with no luck.
Can anybody help me?

Hi diegodom
I don't think I have a direct answer for that, but I had something similar
once. In an animated program called CrazyTalk I saved a file and had the
same problem. It stemmed from the fact that the AVI I saved was a greater
height than width....I went back and re-did the video and chose a different
sizing. Check to see if your Morph Man gives you choices when you save
your is in AVI, but does it also give you choices as to width and
height? i.e. 720 x 480 etc. Or maybe it gives you the option to 'crop' to
various to reconfiguring an already made video in Movie Maker,
i'll leave it to others to answer.