Ok I am writing lines out to a text file for an interface
to another system. The other system need to have a CR/LF
at the end of each line. What is the code for this. I
have tried vbCrLf and StreamWriter.NewLine = ("\r\n")
which seems like it puts a carriege return in but when I
open the file in edit from DOS I do not see the char.
Can someone please point me in the correct direction.
to another system. The other system need to have a CR/LF
at the end of each line. What is the code for this. I
have tried vbCrLf and StreamWriter.NewLine = ("\r\n")
which seems like it puts a carriege return in but when I
open the file in edit from DOS I do not see the char.
Can someone please point me in the correct direction.