Sunfire said:
I am interested in trying it... I would need a step by step tutorial on it
First you create an new aspx page. Ensure there is nothing on the page (not
even a space) or that will be rendered as well.
On the page load:
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim imageFolder As String
Dim imageText As String
Dim bm As Bitmap
Dim ms As MemoryStream
imageFolder = Request.QueryString(imFolder)
imageText = Request.QueryString(imText)
If imageFolder Is Nothing Then
bm = makeImage(imageText)
bm = makeImage(imageFolder, imageText)
End If
ms = New MemoryStream
bm.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Jpeg)
Response.ContentType = "image/jgp"
End Sub
Now my sample code is streaming a bitmap but what you would do is read the
mp3 file into the Memory stream from the file. Content type is
An example of the link would be mymp3page.aspx?linkid=generatedGUID
You would then get the RequeestQueryString("linkid") to get the GUID and use
that to find which mp3 you want to stream. I know this is not well
presented but I may have time later to come up with a "real" set of code.
What I have offered works for jpg links.
Hope this gets you on your way
Lloyd Sheen