Streaming Image into Picture Box

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tom John
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Tom John


I am using Office Web Components to generate a GIF image, which i want
to display in a picture box.

However i am having a problem when i attempt to load the image into
the picture box. Firstly i was saving the image using the Chartspace
Export and passing the path to the PictureBox load, however i think
that the image is not saved properly before the picturebox attempts to
load it.

Therefor i figured streaming it would be pretty cool, but i can't get
it to work, casting problems:

In the form load:


Private Function GenerateChart() As Stream
'Code to generate chart

Return ChartSpace.GetPicture("gif", 500, 300)
End Function

Anyone ideas would be great.


Hi Tom,

This is not direct your answer, because I do not know what it the format of
a chartspace Export.

This is streaming a picture from a database to am image while a memorystream
is used.
Dim arrPicture() As Byte = CType(dsFototable.Tables(0).Rows(0)("foto"),
Dim ms As New MemoryStream(arrPicture)
originalImage = Image.FromStream(ms)

I hope this helps a little bit.

* Tom John said:
I am using Office Web Components to generate a GIF image, which i want
to display in a picture box.

However i am having a problem when i attempt to load the image into
the picture box. Firstly i was saving the image using the Chartspace
Export and passing the path to the PictureBox load, however i think
that the image is not saved properly before the picturebox attempts to
load it.

Bitmap -> Byte() -> Bitmap:

Dim b As New Bitmap("C:\WINDOWS\Angler.bmp")
Dim ms As New MemoryStream
b.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Bmp)
Dim abyt(ms.Length - 1) As Byte
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin)
ms.Read(abyt, 0, ms.Length)
Dim mx As New MemoryStream(abyt)
Me.BackgroundImage = Bitmap.FromStream(mx)

Thanks, this pointed me in the direction of what i was after. I
modified your code to work with the OWC ChartSpace and return an

Dim ChartImageArray() As Byte = CType(ChartSpace.GetPicture(), Byte())
Dim ChartImageMemoryStream As New MemoryStream(ChartImageArray)
Return Image.FromStream(ChartImageMemoryStream)

Thanks again.
