stream defaul image when no image in DB

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ratman
  • Start date Start date


I have a class that streams an image from a DB. If there is no image
(record then I want the class to stream a default image.

Why is this not working? It is breaking on the line of code within
the for..loop. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

bImageBinaryData is a Byte()


Dim oHttpContext As HttpContext
Dim sPhysicalFilePath As String =

sImageName = ""
sImageContentType = ""

Dim fsDefaultThumbnail As New FileStream(sPhysicalFilePath,
FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim brDefaultThumbnail As New BinaryReader(fsDefaultThumbnail)
Dim iCounter As Long
Dim baDefaultThumbnail As Byte()

For iCounter = 0 To fsDefaultThumbnail.Length
baDefaultThumbnail(CType(iCounter, Integer)) =

fsDefaultThumbnail = Nothing
brDefaultThumbnail = Nothing

bImageBinaryData = baDefaultThumbnail
Ratman said:
I have a class that streams an image from a DB. If there is no image
(record then I want the class to stream a default image.

Why is this not working? It is breaking on the line of code within
the for..loop. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You haven't created the actual array. I would strongly suggest reading
more than a byte at a time, too - it'll be much faster. You don't need
to use BinaryReader in this case, by the way - and you should be
closing the stream at the end so as not to leak handles.