I'd like to set up ability to Import from Excel to update/append multiple
tables in Access 2007, as in example below (essentially to assign multiple
specialties per expert).
What might be best strategy to address, in terms of how to feed in from
Excel and VBA to process?
(in Excel, list each specialty on separate Expert row?.. or multiple columns
on a single Expert row? or carriage control within 1 column to fit multiple?
Expert table:
ExpertID(autonum), Name, Address
ExpertSpecialties table:
ID(autonum),ExpertID, SpecialtyID
Specialty table:
SpecialtyID(autonum), Specialty(text)
tables in Access 2007, as in example below (essentially to assign multiple
specialties per expert).
What might be best strategy to address, in terms of how to feed in from
Excel and VBA to process?
(in Excel, list each specialty on separate Expert row?.. or multiple columns
on a single Expert row? or carriage control within 1 column to fit multiple?
Expert table:
ExpertID(autonum), Name, Address
ExpertSpecialties table:
ID(autonum),ExpertID, SpecialtyID
Specialty table:
SpecialtyID(autonum), Specialty(text)