Here's Icy's original post. He/she keps starting new threads with less and
less information. The problem started when he/she swapped ram which led me
to suggest that the ram was likely to be incompatible with the motherboard,
or defective. I asked Icy if he/she confirmed that the new ram was
compatible with the old motherboard, but I never got an answer.
Hi all
I dunno if this problem is related to software or hardware , but i'm
kinda hopeless so i'll try anythin
My System Was Working All fine Then i Bought A new RAM Chip and it was
DDR and my previous one Was SDRAM and they told me that i can't run
both types at the same time so i took off the sdram and put in the ddr
one , then when windows xp tries to open after the loading screen it
auto restart " power off and then on again "
when i run the windows in safe mode it works all fine , so i supposed
its not missfunction from the new Ram
i formated my drive and re-installed windows xp from a bootable CD and
i was using my New DDR Ram and everythin worked fine
now when i'v tried to install my Graphic Card Driver it tells me this
driver ddin't pass the windows logo verify test , knowing that this is
the same driver i'v been using before i format my PC
if i continued installing my PC Restarts from itself , I installed
windows 2000 and the same happened but w/o the windows verify test
i installed the latest drivers but the same thing happens
i re-installed my windows , now it install the driver w/o the logo
verifiy test thing but it restart anyway and doesn't install the driver
now the strange thing

When i took off my DDR ram and put the old
SDRAM LOL the Windows Works Fine with my graphic Card and install teh
drivers perfectly , and when i put the DDR i un-install the drivers to
run my windwos normally again
My Graphic Card is MSI Geforce FX 5200
Intel Celeron 2ghz , the New DDR is 256mb The Old SDRAM is 128 MB
please if any1 got any clue of anythin i can do i'll be very
Alot OF thanks in advance
Could be. Number one, I have never heard of "A RAM". Number two, you don't
load "VGA drivers" so that could be your problem. Perhaps you mean the
video adapter drivers? In that case it would be best to get the recent
ones from the manufacturer for the card. and also make sure that all the
instructions as to how the BIOS should be set are followed. They will be
in the install instructions, or in the troubleshooting section of the help
files for the drivers and adapter.
Icy_ice wrote:
Errrr... My Question Was I'm Using A RAM to Run my sytem and its working
so fine and i used this
system to post all this messages in this board other words , my PC is
just fine but when i install the VGA drivers it Can't Boot untill i
uninstall em
Bob I Wrote:
Oops, you started a new thead. Try typing in what the question was.
Icy_ice wrote:-
Icy_ice Wrote:
My Graphic Card is MSI Geforce FX 5200
My New RAM is Samsung
But Again Can Any1 Answer my quest. ????????????