Strangest email u have received?

Lots of those same e-mails, plus ones with computer questions in them where people give away e-mail, account passwords etc... away! (several of these each day!).
Trying to sell me Spectacles.


:D What whose that>>>
I never ever read spam and have never done so.

Which means I really haven't had a strange e-mail :(

Somebody send me something odd :)
floppybootstomp said:
I never ever read spam and have never done so.

Which means I really haven't had a strange e-mail :(

Somebody send me something odd :)
What do you want?
PM me i'm sure we can find something a bit odd for you, if you want;)

Friends in the USA signed me up to some Gun companies e-newsletters for a laugh. Kept getting asked what guns i fancied buying, did explain i was in the UK, but they still asked if i was interested:rolleyes:

Must admit what they were offering was enough to start a small war with & the range & makes were straight out of a war film.

Got my own back on the friends, bought them a subscription to reader digest!:eek:
Now they get loads of email from them!!:D
floppybootstomp said:
I never ever read spam and have never done so.

Which means I really haven't had a strange e-mail :(

Somebody send me something odd :)

How can i word this... email linking to a site teaching girls to use the gents...if you know what i mean.

Now why would i want that.

I aint no girl.

Potguy: was it expensive? do they accept paypal? I always fancied me a tractor....

"hii have just read your message now & accept with pleasure your request to befriendsi am funlookinggal on msnmessenger I think you're hot"


From some woman who calls herself "mum"

"Can you do the dishwasher please"