Just recently, I've been having a problem with USB flash drives. At work,
we use Windows XP Pro on IBM notebooks. On the English version, I can write
to the USB flash drive, but on the Japanese version, I can read, but not
write. I have tried this USB drive on other computers at home, with English
and Japanese XP systems and they work. This is not isolated to my notebook
with Japanese OS, other ones I tried also can read, but not write. The
English OS ones have no problem. Untill a week ago, we didn't have any
problems using this USB flash drive on the IBM Japanese OS notebooks. Thank
Just recently, I've been having a problem with USB flash drives. At work,
we use Windows XP Pro on IBM notebooks. On the English version, I can write
to the USB flash drive, but on the Japanese version, I can read, but not
write. I have tried this USB drive on other computers at home, with English
and Japanese XP systems and they work. This is not isolated to my notebook
with Japanese OS, other ones I tried also can read, but not write. The
English OS ones have no problem. Untill a week ago, we didn't have any
problems using this USB flash drive on the IBM Japanese OS notebooks. Thank