I've been noticing some screen tearing on my computer for a while now, the odd part of it, is what it affects.
I get slight screen tearing when I move windows side to side, even if very slowly.
I am also getting screen tearing on Videos, but ONLY streaming videos I watch online like on youtube, If I download the video and watch the downloaded version no tearing...
Also getting slight screen tearing when scrolling up or down a webpage.
I am also getting screen tearing in windowed games, absolutely no tearing what so ever if the games are full screen but if they are windowed, I get some tearing moving the camera side to side.
V-Sync is Forced on.
Graphics Card: GeForce 8600GT (Little over a month old) also notice the same issue with my old 7300LE
OS: Windows XP
Driver Version: 169.21
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I get slight screen tearing when I move windows side to side, even if very slowly.
I am also getting screen tearing on Videos, but ONLY streaming videos I watch online like on youtube, If I download the video and watch the downloaded version no tearing...
Also getting slight screen tearing when scrolling up or down a webpage.
I am also getting screen tearing in windowed games, absolutely no tearing what so ever if the games are full screen but if they are windowed, I get some tearing moving the camera side to side.
V-Sync is Forced on.
Graphics Card: GeForce 8600GT (Little over a month old) also notice the same issue with my old 7300LE
OS: Windows XP
Driver Version: 169.21
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.