Strange Request!!

Mar 5, 2004
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Hey All,

This is a weird one. Im filling out a graduate application form for a job and one of the questions is.......................

Describe a problem that you had to resolve by analysing information

What information did you analyse?

How did you evaluate this information?

How did you ensure the accuracy of your outcome.

Now, i dont expect you to know when i analysed any information, but im just looking for examples of information i COULD have analysed!! I have answered all the other questions, but im a bit stumped on this one and just looking for inspiration. Im even laughing as i type this cause its just such a weird questions.

Anyway.....over to you. :-)
I can help you with that, if you can give me a little time. I have loads of stuff on this as I train my staff on it. When do you want to submit the form do I have time to get back to you?
I have to submit the form today. Im in oz, so 11 hours ahead of you, so basically when you lot all go to bed, thats lunch time for me.
Quad lives a little closer to you ... say 5-6 hours closer ... :D
Oh really, where does Mr Quad live?! Basically, i have to have it in by about 5pm my time, which is 6am British time.

So far, the best i have come up with is describing when i worked in a computer shop and had to analyse computers which had problems, look at numerous sources for information, beeps, picture, swapping components etc. Its a pretty flimsy and crappy example. But its the best i could think of.

Any last minute inspiration people? :-)
Use Calcutta as a refence point ... ;)

Quad may make it to you with an hour to spare.

Sorry, I am no help with forms ... :o

The reason I asked for some time was because I could go over the case studies I have in the office and would have summerised it for you, unfortunately its now past midnight and by the time I get into office I would obviously miss the deadline.

As for your choise of analysis about computers is concerned it is a very good example. As for accuracy of data or verification of it is concerned you can always mention that you were able to verify it by checking with the manufacturer directly and that is how you believe the analysis was correct. Does it sound OK?

I am sorry I cannot be much help at this odd hour in the middle of the night :(
Hey guys, thanks for the replys. I wrote up an answer about detecting what was wrong with computers etc. I then wrote "This answer is a pile of sh*t" in massive bold capitals before deleting the lot!! I have come up with another example though, from a job i did over here which was a logistical nightmare and required a lot of planning. So i have kind of got a better answer now anyway. I do appreciate your efforts though, you are all legends.

Mucks, im applying for a job on a graduate training scheme with a large bank back home. The graduate training schemes are hard to get into, but they appear to give a very good start to a career. Well, here's hoping anyway.

Thakns again all.
