It's 'academic' not 'academical' (which isn't even a word
;o)) You're right you won't have done - it's not used much
-it's the abbreviation for 'gigabit'. People always think
I'm being pedantic when I correct them, but the difference
*is* important - there are eight bits in a byte (which you
know, obviously) so, therefore, a gigabit translates into
about 128MB - see why that little difference can change the
whole context?
If you want there are some good Wikipaedia articles on the
topic. Just remember that a lowercase 'b' is 'bit' and an
uppercase 'byte'.
Since I always give hell to idiots who give the "spell-checker"
as the reason they have M$ Office installed (they can think of
nothing else because they don't even know what a tab or
alignment let alone a database are) yet NEVER use it, it is
fitting someone should finally correct me.
As befits a good anal-retentive, I immediately checked.
ac•a•dem•ic (akƒ dem‚ik) adj.Also, aca•dem‚i•cal.1. of or
pertaining to a school, esp. one for higher education. 2. of or
pertaining to areas of study that are not primarily vocational
or applied, as the humanities or pure mathematics. 3.
theoretical or hypothetical; not practical or directly useful:
an academic question. 4. learned or scholarly but lacking in
worldliness, common sense, or practicality. 5. conforming to set
rules, standards, or traditions; conventional: academic
Still, I appreciate the corrrection and your (somewhat
exaggerated trust) in my computing knowledge.
I am geting older and barely can handle the excess of useless
information in my brain as it is, so probably won't get further
info, but it WAS interesting having it specifically pointed out.
Best regards.