Strange problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lars Olsson
  • Start date Start date

Lars Olsson

Ok, here is the situation:
We have a windows service A and a windows foms application B, both written
C#, compiled with .net framework 1.1
A starts autmatically at PC startup.
For various reasons, we want to launch B when the PC shuts down, without any
for end users to interfere with the process or mess with applications and
So the way we solved it is to have A create a Local shutdown script that
launches B.

Here is what happens:

This works:
1 Start the PC, log on.
2 Let A create the shutdown script.
3 A shuts the PC down
4 B runs fine

This does not work:
1 Start a shutted down PC
2 As soon as A starts (before anyone logs on), A creates the logon script
3 A shuts the PC down
4 B crashes with an CLR error dialog that says nothing particular, just that
it can't find the JIT debugger
and some other useless info

Note that 2 works, so we assume we have the .net framework up and running
Is it possible that parts of the .net framework is NOT running, parts that
is requred by B but not by A?

Thankful for any ideas
You are running B when no one is logged in. B should be a Console
application, not a Windows application, to be able to run when no one is
logged in.

--- Nick
Apps that run in a shutdown script are running in the context of the user
logging off.

There is no user context for the second condition.

Change your app to a console app

Is there some reason why this would be unduly difficult to do?

--- Nick
There is no user context for the first condition either.
All users are logged of and the PC shuts down.
Then the shutdown script runs B fine.
We have now attributed this behaviour to a defect in the framework.
If it is a defect in the framework, Microsoft will provide support for free
to help you work around it or simply send you a patch.

Good Luck
--- Nick