Strange problem with New Message colour



One of the users did something odd to his Outlook 2003 client so
now the message background is blue. He's got no stationery set though.
As his Outlook uses MS Word as the editor I opened Word to see what
happens there. Well, the default page is blue... I changed it to white
by going to Background and then saved the document, closed Word and
reopened it. Blue again...
I then went to modifying the default.doc and saved the changes.
After opening blue again. I deleted the default.doc and then started
Word again just to see the page in blue. Any idea how do I change it
back to white?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Rename to old and then re-open Word. If this does not work, then
try reposting to a Word group for further help.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
ALWAYS post your Outlook version.
How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, yaro137 asked:

| One of the users did something odd to his Outlook 2003 client so
| now the message background is blue. He's got no stationery set though.
| As his Outlook uses MS Word as the editor I opened Word to see what
| happens there. Well, the default page is blue... I changed it to white
| by going to Background and then saved the document, closed Word and
| reopened it. Blue again...
| I then went to modifying the default.doc and saved the changes.
| After opening blue again. I deleted the default.doc and then started
| Word again just to see the page in blue. Any idea how do I change it
| back to white?
| yaro

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

By default.doc I meant normal.doc so yes I tried that already.

Apparently you didn't because Milly explicitly said "", not

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