Hello all,
Please consider my problem - after recently holiday's we have a virus
(win xp sp2) here:
Avira Antivir detected this trojan as TR/Patched.O.2
This file can't delete, only move...
Exactly this file name is advapi32.$$$, therefore is not easy to find
any description in search systems for "advapi32.$$$"
Most antivirus software can't detect this virus, please see here:
And here see some info from logs:
[DETECTION] Is the Trojan horse TR/Patched.O.2
[INFO] A backup was created as '47fb5d50.qua' ( QUARANTINE )
[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!
Please give some advise how fix and delete this virus,
Best regards,
Please consider my problem - after recently holiday's we have a virus
(win xp sp2) here:
Avira Antivir detected this trojan as TR/Patched.O.2
This file can't delete, only move...
Exactly this file name is advapi32.$$$, therefore is not easy to find
any description in search systems for "advapi32.$$$"
Most antivirus software can't detect this virus, please see here:
And here see some info from logs:
[DETECTION] Is the Trojan horse TR/Patched.O.2
[INFO] A backup was created as '47fb5d50.qua' ( QUARANTINE )
[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!
Please give some advise how fix and delete this virus,
Best regards,