Here's a strange one that has happened a couple of times in the last
few days. When my computer first boots up, the left mouse button acts
as a delete key instead of selecting things.
In some applications, like Thunderbird, a single left click is
interpreted as 'select all, then delete'. As a result, my wife managed
to delete all her emails! The problem seems to go away after a while,
but it is very annoying and potentially could cause a lot of problems.
I've never seen this before. Does anyone have any suggestions?
This is a recent reinstall of XP Pro (genuine licence key) on a
refurbished HP Vectra 240
few days. When my computer first boots up, the left mouse button acts
as a delete key instead of selecting things.
In some applications, like Thunderbird, a single left click is
interpreted as 'select all, then delete'. As a result, my wife managed
to delete all her emails! The problem seems to go away after a while,
but it is very annoying and potentially could cause a lot of problems.
I've never seen this before. Does anyone have any suggestions?
This is a recent reinstall of XP Pro (genuine licence key) on a
refurbished HP Vectra 240