Strange Message.

Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Lately I'm getting a strange message like this :-
Updating your computer is almost complete. Your computer needs to be restarted for the updates to take effect. Windows will restart your computer automatically in 4:02 minutes.
I've never seen this kind of message before. I'm so confused because I'm thinking of some kind of a virus or spyware. Can anybody put some light on this problem. Thanks.
I scanned the system a couple of days ago, but to be on the save side I redo the scan.
It looks like you need to install Windows XP SP2 - I can't remember the name of the worm that causes this but it is similar to that. Be sure you have your firewall enabled too.

Does this only happen when you are online?
Do you have a firewall on your PC? If not, download Windows XP SP2 and enable the built in firewall :)
you should install service pack 2 norton antivirus 2003 or later and microsoft like a charm :)

i've had a problem with windows update but it wasnt like that...i couldnt update windows for a month...i did a registry cleanup and started working sounds like your cpu is indeed running somekind of malware or may want to undo the update and uninstall the software its updating...and if you still get have a worm!...
comeback to us if you still have problems
masada said:
Lately I'm getting a strange message like this :-
Updating your computer is almost complete. Your computer needs to be restarted for the updates to take effect. Windows will restart your computer automatically in 4:02 minutes.
I've never seen this kind of message before. I'm so confused because I'm thinking of some kind of a virus or spyware. Can anybody put some light on this problem. Thanks.
Sounds to me you have "Autoupdate On" ... Try here
I turned the automatic update off and see what hapens. I don't want to precipitate on conclusions but the fact that these messages occurs only at certain time of the day (something that I have noticed recently) may be the right solution. It's worth to have a try.
muckshifter you are right,I did what you had instructed and now its OK and I wish to appologise for the retardness of this reply but I had to be sure of the results obtaned. Thanks
No problem ... ;-)

You’re more than welcome ... I always check my source. ;)

You can let it be, and install any/all MS updates ... 99% of the time they are 'Critical' and needed to fix a security bug. Be sure to visit MS's update site at least on the first Tuesday of the month, that's when new ones are available, and please, install the critical updates at least.
