strange memory problem



I have a program which searches all disk drives for certain file types.
When it finds a file it writes a record to a Firebird DB. The program
normally is using 40 - 44 megs. However after running for about a minute
the memory usage suddenly jumps up to 440 - 450 megs for about 15 - 20
seconds and then instantly drops back to normal usage. When the memory
load peaks the program stop scanning and resumes when memory usage goes
back to normal.. Any ideas what could be going on? I'm using SysInternals
to check memory.

Willy Denoyette [MVP]

TheB said:
I have a program which searches all disk drives for certain file types.
When it finds a file it writes a record to a Firebird DB. The program
normally is using 40 - 44 megs. However after running for about a minute
the memory usage suddenly jumps up to 440 - 450 megs for about 15 - 20
seconds and then instantly drops back to normal usage. When the memory
load peaks the program stop scanning and resumes when memory usage goes
back to normal.. Any ideas what could be going on? I'm using
to check memory.

Any idea whta the program is doing when the memory peaks?
Ever thought about using a memory profiler and watch the allocation pattern
to find out what memory is peaking and why?



Any idea whta the program is doing when the memory peaks?
Ever thought about using a memory profiler and watch the allocation
pattern to find out what memory is peaking and why?


I have no idea what it is doing. Like I said it is scanning direcotries
looking for files. It is one big recursive loop so it's doing the same
thing over and over. Any memory profiler that you recomend?

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