Strange Laws & Customs

Jan 14, 2006
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In Germany it’s an offence to make derogatory signs at other drivers.
You can invade neighbouring countries through!

Until recently it was necessary for women in Lithuania to undergo a gynaecological examination before qualifying for a driving licence.

Until recently, the driving test in Egypt consisted of driving 100 meters forward between 2 cones and then reversing back through them. Wouldn’t you just like to meet the person who failed it!


In Russel, Kansas, it’s against the law to have a musical car horn.

In Evanston, Illinois it’s illegal to change any of your clothes inside the car – unless there’s a fire.

Hitchhiking in Colorado can fetch a two-year jail sentence.

In Cottonwood, Arizona it’s illegal to make love in a car…with flat tyres.
The fine is $25 if the car is parked and $100 if you’re still on the move.

In Tennessee it is illegal to drive while sleeping….

While in Clinton, Oklahoma it’s an offence to “molest an automobile”