Brian Nichols
I have a LAN with about 50 computers. We have recenlty
added a WatchGuard firewall. Since then I have a couple
computers that cannot access the internet. When I ping my
DNS server I get a "Destination Host Unreachable" from my
router. This is only on two of the machines. Does anyone
have a clue as to why it would only affect two machines?
How would I go about fixing this? It seems it is a
problem with the machines themselves.
added a WatchGuard firewall. Since then I have a couple
computers that cannot access the internet. When I ping my
DNS server I get a "Destination Host Unreachable" from my
router. This is only on two of the machines. Does anyone
have a clue as to why it would only affect two machines?
How would I go about fixing this? It seems it is a
problem with the machines themselves.