Strange Header Behavior

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I have a tblPB with Field Names DDID (AutoNumber), PBID, DirectoryID,
and DeptID.
I have a tblPhoneBook with Field Names PBID (AutoNumber), and
DirectoryID may have duplicates.
PBID may have duplicates in tblPB.
DeptID may have duplicates in tblPB

SortKey1 contains PersonsName.
Group on = Each Value
Keep Together = With First Detail

When I run the report, PersonsName is NOT printed after the first time
when there are duplicate DirectoryID's.

So I added a SortKey2, containing DirectoryID.
Group On = Each Value
Keep Together = No

When the Group Header is created, it has a height of 0.25". This
solved the problem so that names are printed each time duplicates are
present (although I don't understand why this step was necessary).

HOWEVER, if I change the height of the Group Header, or set it's
property to Not Visible, the report goes back to ignoring the
Duplicate Names and Only printing them once. Very Strange!

Anyone have an idea of what may be the problem?
If you GROUP on something then it normally only prints ONE of each distinct
value. Perhaps you want to SORT and not group at all?

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
If you GROUP on something then it normally only prints ONE of each distinct
value.  Perhaps you want to SORT and not group at all?

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

I'd like to try this, but how does one "Not Group at all"?
In sorting and grouping dialog, set group header and group footer to NO.

First Move the control with PersonsName into the detail section.

SELECT View: Sorting and Grouping and click on row that is sorting/grouping on
set group header and group footer to NO.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County