Strange field headers...

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I have an Access2000 database with a form. This form has a subform in
which I have text boxes and combo boxes linked to a table. Well when I
open up the main form and run my query it all works as
expected...except that the headers on the list show up with the names
of the objects. For example i get txtJob, txtDate, cboStatus. How can
I make it so that the headers are something like Job, Date,
Status...without changing the name of the object.

I sounds as if you are opening the form in datasheet view. The column
headers in datasheet view come from 2 places.

1) The label ASSOCIATED with the control. This has to be an "attached" label
(i.e. one that moves when you move the control).

2) If #1 doesn't exist, then the control name is used.

To reassociate a label select the label button in the toolbox and drop the
label on the control, not the form. Another option is to create a label or
use one that you already have, select the label and cut (Ctrl+X) then select
the control you want it associated with and paste (Ctrl+V). If you've placed
the labels above the controls in a header section of the form in design
view, the labels are not associated with the controls. They have to be in
the same section. They won't show up though in spreadsheet view, so even
though the design looks bad in design view, it's not what you'll actually
see when using the form unless you switch back and forth between form view
and spreadsheet view. I just tested to make sure, there is a work around for
this. If you do go back and forth, you can set the visible property of the
associated label to No and leave the labels in the header. The column
headers in spreadsheet view will still show the caption of the associated
label, even though its visible property is set to no.
By the way, the form wizard in Access 2002 does a better job than the corresponding form
wizard in Access 2000. In Access 2000, the labels are added by the wizard to the form's
header section and the textboxes are in the detail section. Controls in the header
section do not show up when the form is viewed in datasheet mode (ie. as a subform). The
Access 2002 form wizard automatically adds the labels in the detail section. Therefore,
the labels remain associated with the textboxes as Wayne describes below. A simple change
in the label caption in a subform created with the 2002 wizard gets you what you want. In
2000, you have to cut the labels from the header, and associate them with their
corresponding textboxes in the detail section, before changes in the label's caption text
will show up correctly when the form/subform is viewed.


I sounds as if you are opening the form in datasheet view. The column
headers in datasheet view come from 2 places.

1) The label ASSOCIATED with the control. This has to be an "attached" label
(i.e. one that moves when you move the control).

2) If #1 doesn't exist, then the control name is used.

To reassociate a label select the label button in the toolbox and drop the
label on the control, not the form. Another option is to create a label or
use one that you already have, select the label and cut (Ctrl+X) then select
the control you want it associated with and paste (Ctrl+V). If you've placed
the labels above the controls in a header section of the form in design
view, the labels are not associated with the controls. They have to be in
the same section. They won't show up though in spreadsheet view, so even
though the design looks bad in design view, it's not what you'll actually
see when using the form unless you switch back and forth between form view
and spreadsheet view. I just tested to make sure, there is a work around for
this. If you do go back and forth, you can set the visible property of the
associated label to No and leave the labels in the header. The column
headers in spreadsheet view will still show the caption of the associated
label, even though its visible property is set to no.

Wayne Morgan
MS Access MVP

I have an Access2000 database with a form. This form has a subform in
which I have text boxes and combo boxes linked to a table. Well when I
open up the main form and run my query it all works as
expected...except that the headers on the list show up with the names
of the objects. For example i get txtJob, txtDate, cboStatus. How can
I make it so that the headers are something like Job, Date,
Status...without changing the name of the object.

As someone pointed was the labels attached to the
textboxes that needed to be changed. Actually I didnt have
any labels so recreated them and there they were.
