Strange ContentIE5 phenomenon

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mart
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I posted a query some time ago about the purpose of the strangely named
folders in ContentIE5. I read the reply with interest but realised later
that there was no explanation of why its called ContentIE5 even though I'm
running IE6. But thats bye the bye.
My main interest in the original query was because of the saving in a number
of those folders of frames from a webcam. These were saved as "pull[*].jpg"
where * was a no. between 1 and 99. Within the last few days, I've found
very few "pulls" but many corresponding frames with unique filenames made up
of 8 characters beginning with CA. Today, over a 2 hour period, 1182 of
these files were saved in one folder. Since software exists for this very
purpose, can anyone explain why my OS has suddenly manifested this very
useful saving process.
When I updated to IE 6 my temp folder remained ContentIE5. It's working so I
leave it alone. (If it's not broken do not fix it).

As you have realized files in your TIF with pull[*].jpg are files save by
the operating system. When the name is the same, IE will create a new file
with a new number.

As for CA* files I do have them and they are 0 byte files. They are
remnants of the OE. MS does not manage these very well. They can grow and
grow. This is why clean my TIF on a regular basis.
I've got the CA* files with the 0byte content as well as the CA*files with
content ranging between 7 to 15KB. I'm not reporting this as a problem, on
the contrary its a bonus. I was just curious as to why its happening and
what can I do to make sure it continues to happen.